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Serbia's successful 2000 non-violent revolution 塞爾維亞成功實現了2000年的非暴力革命

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

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Extracted from Wikipedia.

Srdja Popovic was one of the student leaders of "Otpor!" (Serbian word for "resistance").

The overthrow of Slobodan Milošević occurred on 5 October 2000, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, following the Presidential election on 24 September, and culminating in the downfall of Slobodan Milošević's government on 5 October 2000.

Milošević's overthrow was reported as a spontaneous revolution. However, there had been a year-long battle involving thousands of Serbs in a strategy to strip the leader of his legitimacy, turn his security forces against him, and force him to call for elections, the result of which he would not acknowledge.

In 1998, a dozen students met to form Otpor! Analyzing the mistakes of the 1996-97 protests, they realized they needed a more effective organization (strategy, planning, recruiting) and all else necessary for a sustained fight. Galvanized by outrage over new laws that imposed political control of their universities and harassment of independent media, the Otpor students called for the removal of Milošević and the establishment of democracy and the rule of law.

Scroll down to last video to hear his comments on HK Occupy!


Srdja Popovic是Otpor的學生領袖之一!



1998年,十幾名學生見面組建了Otpor! (塞爾維亞語為“抵抗”)。分析1996  -  97年抗議活動的錯誤,他們意識到他們需要一個更有效的組織(戰略,計劃,招募)以及持續戰鬥所需的一切。由於對強加政治控制大學和騷擾獨立媒體的新法律感到憤怒,Otpor學生呼籲推翻米洛舍維奇並建立民主和法治。


HK Occupy discussed from 44 minute until end of video!

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